Learn Astrology with this free guide, and discover what the planets are telling you. This is an ever-growing resource about Astrology - so start your journey of self discovery today.
Humans are dynamic, fluid creatures that grow and change throughout their time on this planet we call Earth, but one assumption many Astrology writers promote is that people do not change. Leos are beautiful; Capricorns are dull... Rigid, inflexible statements like this are made all the time, but do you want to know the truth? It's all a lie.
We are not computers, we are individuals. Our future is not programmed the moment we leave our mothers' womb. We have choice.
Life is full of change. In fact, change is the reason why our species has taken over the planet. Flexibility and our ability to grow has given us a significant advantage. And that is why my approach to Astrology is evolutionary. I focus on the true meanings of the planets and stars (which have almost been lost).
The signs and symbols of Astrology present us possibilities, and we can respond to them in any way we want. They can warn us of a treacherous or bountiful path ahead, and equip us with the tools we need to seize opportunities or overcome obstacles... but ultimately, we are free to shape our destiny as we wish.
Don't think of the zodiac signs as nouns or adjectives... instead, think of them as verbs. I am not a Pisces, I am Piscesing. We are evolving, growing, improving... Astrology is not inflexible or predestined.
Most people's Astrological vocabulary starts with their Star sign (or Sun sign), so let's begin with that.
Your star sign represents the location of the sun, relative to Earth, at the moment you where born. Take a look this picture:
Location of the planets and Sun on January 30th, 1980. This image is released
on a Attribution-ShareAlike License, please link back here if you use it!
The blue circle with the yellow lines emanating from it is Earth, and it is the third planet orbiting the Sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars). The space around Earth is divided into 12 sections, each one associated with a Zodiac sign. So for someone born on January 30th, 1980, their star sign is Aquarius because that is where the sun was at their moment of birth. Here's another example:
Location of the planets and Sun on July 15th, 1980. This image is released
on a Attribution-ShareAlike License, please link back here if you use it!
Six months, 15 days after the first picture - all the planets have moved. Now, the Sun is in Cancer, and this if you were born on this day your star sign would be Cancer too.
There is so much more to Astrology than your Star Sign, as each planet falls within it's own zodiac sign and comes with a different interpretation. In future lessons, you will learn what all of your signs mean!